Using Pro-Xylane (C-Xyloside) cream may accelerate your skin aging?

How to cite: He Y. Using Pro-Xylane (C-Xyloside) cream may accelerate your skin aging? June 14, 2023. Accessed June 14, 2023.

Well, you may think I am exaggerating for eye-catching ?! But if you read carefully what I am about to write, I believe you will have the same worries as mine, just drop your Pro-Xylane creams!

Pro-Xylane is a newly cosmetic ingredient launched by a multinational company around the year of 2000, in their early propagandizing, they described Pro-Xylane as: A novel active ingredient selected from thousands that can boost your skin’s GAGs (Glycosaminoglycans) and PGs (Proteoglycans).

Pic. Pro-Xylane Molecule, PINEAU et al., 2011

The picture above shown the molecule of Pro-Xylane, which is a compounds mixed with the C-α-D-Xylose-isopropanol and C-β-D-Xylose-isopropanol. after years of the Pro-Xylane’s launching, the company introduced a new version called Pro-Xylane Pro. Technically we can figure out this pro-pro version is to improve the β-xyloside percentages in this ingredient since all this multinational company’s researches were studied based on the β-Xyloside (Though Balagurunathan Kuberan et al. 2008 reported the α-Xylosides have the same function of inducing free GAGs chains and inhibiting GAGs/PGs (Proteoglycans), but with lower efficient comparing to the β-xylosides.) This is what had been discussed for the Chinese domestic Pro-Xylane with single peak version (by spectrometer) or twin peak version. Some believe only the twin peak version of Pro-Xylane shares the same property with the original one, but we can see from the company’s research papers they had studied on the β-Xyloside and are improving their production for the purity of the β-xylosides.

Pic. (A) Endogenous GAGs are attached to proteoglycans on the cell surface. (B) Xylosides inhibit GAG assembly on endogenous proteoglycans and xyloside-primed GAGs compete with endogenous GAGs for binding proteins. Origin: CHUA et al. 2017

Pro-Xylane (C-Xyloside) has the same property of other xylosides that it can induce free short GAGs chains to inhibit the endogenous GAGs and PGs by its xylose shape, which resulted the truncated GAG chain and unoccupied GAG sites on the core protein. Xylosides’ endogenous GAGs/PGs inhibiting function had been reported by the late 1980s, till now on scientists are still endeavoring on testing tons of Xyloside to find a cure for some certain disease. Keller et al. 2008 reported a β-xyloside can remove accumulated GAGs from the glaucoma model. Entchev et al. 2020 reported a xyloside-liked compound Odiparcil, a potential glycosaminoglycans clearance therapy in mucopolysaccharidosis VI-Evidence from in vitro and in vivo models.

Pic. the table from a multinational company published paper shown the Pro-Xylane can improve the free GAGs chain level and inhibit the PGs.

So we are now clear of the function of Xyloside: how it works as a core protein decoy to compete with the core protein to induce free GAGs and inhibit the endogenous GAGs/PGs in the meantime. For the Pro-Xylane the experimental data exposed by the company’s paper had shown the same function with other Xyloside: improve free GAGs and inhibit PGs. If this ingredient is for treating topical GAGs over accumulation, I guess it’s a quite potential cure which is worthy to conduct trials. But the company is propagandizing this Xyloside is an anti-aging active ingredient. Well, the skin’s aging represents less GAGs/PGs with the less volume of the ECM (extracellular matrix). Tretinoin, a golden anti-aging ingredient standard, had been reported topically using resulted the GAGs expression improving. Though the company had published the Pro-Xylane experimental test of 3D reconstructed skin models which had shown the PGs improving, the opposite result of the cell experiment. (I guess the 3D reconstructed skin models are absence of microvascular, the free GAG chains are reported either metabolized or recycled by the cells by endocytosis. The 3D reconstructed skin models are not applicable for the test.)

I guess the company launched Pro-Xylane as a stunt? (to brag off their bio-molecular levels? hah~) I have seen their published papers for Pro-Xylane study which had reported the Xyloside shared common properties of inducing free GAGs and inhibiting PGs in few but quite short. I think they try to mingle the free GAGs chain with PGs to tell the customers their xyloside is actually boosting the endogenous GAGs/PGs. Or maybe the scientists and formulators who had studied this ingredient had left and been turnover that the current scientists and formulators in this company have cognitive faults on Xyloside?! I guess that’s why they had launched new cream with such high percentages of Pro-Xylane, 20+%.


Pro-Xylane is not a GAGs/PGs booster but an inhibitor. In the case of long term topical using, untested chronic side effects may occur! Let’s hope the best!


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