关于宇多/About Yul


宇多,Yul 来自上海,拥有新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)分子生物硕士学位,目前从事生物医药的私募行业,对化妆品特别是功效性护肤有自己的认知(或许是偏见?),从2021年开始,宇多通过视频、文字等形式开始做一些护肤理念介绍和分享,希望能够得到你的喜爱。



It takes so long for you to get on my site! Right?! OK, here’s the introduction of Yul, this blog site’s owner, Yul HE

Yul HE, Yul is now based in Shanghai, with a Bio-molecular master degree from National University of Singapore, now working on Bio-med Private equity industry. Yul is quite interested in cosmetic ingredients especially some newly invented ones, Yul has his own understanding (or biase? haha). From 2021, Yul started to share his opinions (mainly on skincare) by videos from Chinese social media like Douyin (Chinese tiktok), Xiaohongshu (Little Red book) and Bili Bili.

search on Chinese social media: 宇多Yul细胞